Chief of Staff vs. External Consultant: Understanding the Differences

In today’s complex and rapidly changing business landscape, leaders often rely on various professionals to support their decision-making and operational effectiveness. Lonely Leaders often need sparing partners who will signal risks and bring fresh views and experience to the table. 

In this piece, I’ll share my point of view on the leaders’ supporting roles, and their differences, that is Chief of Staff (CoS) and the External Consultant. While both positions aim to provide valuable insights and guidance to leaders, they differ in their scope, responsibilities, and nature of their engagements. 

Photo by Blend Hell on Unsplash

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Meanders of duel development

Life is a journey filled with diverse experiences that shape our personal and professional development. On this path, we often encounter pivotal moments that propel us forward, fostering growth and transformation. In this piece, I dive into two significant events that have played a huge role in my development. 

Following those two paths influenced my skill set and character and brought invaluable lessons and insights. 

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Wizyta u Maćka w Pawłowski Cast. Zarządzanie innowacjami: Explore vs Expoit.

Po raz drugi miałam okazję być gościem Maćka.

Tym razem wzięliśmy na warsztat zarządzanie innowacjami. Rozmawialiśmy o możliwościach jakie daje nam wydzielenie strategii Exploit i Explore. O tym podejściu pisałam więcej w poście wcześniej.

Exploit i Explore w biznesie to jakby dwa końce jednego patyka. Czasem wydają się w sprzeczności. Są trochę jak ewolucyjne dostosowanie organizmów do środowiska vs dobór płciowy w biologii.

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Explore (digital) new worlds

The business environment is evolving. We need to keep pace with changes to (at least) maintain the status quo. Red Queen in  Alice in Wonderland said that we have to run to stay at one place, it’s applicable in business too.  Competition doesn’t sleep, we have to “run” to not to be outdone by the competition. 

Creating an effective complete strategy usually requires:

  •  a lean, efficiency-driven approach, to optimize what can be done smarter
  • openness for exploration, innovation, to build a competitive advantage and evolve 

These two seem contradictory, impossible to implement as coexisting goals. Both need different people and management.  

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4 Myths busted & Top qualities of the MBA

Starting the MBA, shortly after pandemic outreach, while I was shaping what I would like to do professionally in my life, was the best decision I could make. 

I’ve chosen the University of Łodź, as it seemed the most reasonable approach. It is a really decent program, quite old for polish MBA reality, and it has some cool unique features (CIM certification is one of them). 

My motivation was a mix of complementary factors. Firstly I wanted to structurize my purely experience-driven business knowledge. I’ve been in business for eleven years, from co-founding a company from scratch to being its CEO and co-owner while it was a 30 people software house, and I didn’t have any structured business education at all. I believe that a degree in evolutionary biology helped me to understand some business mechanisms, but it is more a conceptual approach than real practical knowledge. Secondly, I wanted to channel my professional path towards consulting. MBA complies with this plan. Thirdly, I’ve heard that it is a cool way to exchange experiences with badass people. 

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Navigating change through VUCA times

Change management is one of the greatest competencies of current leaders. 

The last two decades were times of true digital revolution. As customers, we are facing new disruptive solutions each day. That affects our daily rituals which now are different from a generation ago. 

This transformation consists of a big number of small changes, innovations. As people, we urge for new stuff we can pick from the full bucket. “New toys” effect. Yet, the situation is different, when the changes are imposed on us. 

“Survival is the ability to swim in strange water.” –  Frank Herbert, Dune

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1szy odcinek Podcastu Maćka Pawłowskiego: FRIS® i perspektywa na świat Wizjonera Gracza

Na spontanie został nagrany pierwszy odcienek podcastu Maćka. Miałam goromną przyjemność być 1szym gościem tego podcastu i do tego, rozmawiać na temat FRIS®

Zapraszam Was do wysłuchania i zapoznania się z perspektywą na świat FRIS®owego Wizjonera Gracza 🟡

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