4 Myths busted & Top qualities of the MBA

Starting the MBA, shortly after pandemic outreach, while I was shaping what I would like to do professionally in my life, was the best decision I could make. 

I’ve chosen the University of Łodź, as it seemed the most reasonable approach. It is a really decent program, quite old for polish MBA reality, and it has some cool unique features (CIM certification is one of them). 

My motivation was a mix of complementary factors. Firstly I wanted to structurize my purely experience-driven business knowledge. I’ve been in business for eleven years, from co-founding a company from scratch to being its CEO and co-owner while it was a 30 people software house, and I didn’t have any structured business education at all. I believe that a degree in evolutionary biology helped me to understand some business mechanisms, but it is more a conceptual approach than real practical knowledge. Secondly, I wanted to channel my professional path towards consulting. MBA complies with this plan. Thirdly, I’ve heard that it is a cool way to exchange experiences with badass people. 

Shortly after I’ve applied I’ve learned a lot of myths and opinions from people around me about MBA. Often those myths were far from my experiences. 

Top 4 myths (from my perspective):

  1. MBA doesn’t learn entrepreneur approach, it is too academic (also heard: it is not suitable for startup environment)

It is one of the most painful myths for me. When I hear opinions that people during MBA learn only some analytical stuff (not practical) and it won’t reflect the real business reality, I know that those people do not share the experience of studying MBA. Bussines for me is making a lot of decisions in a short time, basing often on incomplete data, just pushing forward because standing in one place, not making the decision at all, costs us more than making a bad one from time to time. During MBA we are challenging complex projects, as teams, we have to build common strategies and plan implementation in a crazy little time. During those short-time projects, we have to adapt, be flexible, and synthesize concepts from different industries. And, yes we do it for free, we even pay for it.

Startupers, does it ring a bell? 

2. There is an unhealthy rivalry among people

Maybe my group is unique, yeah it is for sure (!), but there is a true fellowship, not a rivalry. What would we benefit from it? When we support each other, it is only making us stronger. It is logical, we like logic :] Each of us has a different field of experience and knowledge, during common projects we do what we are best at, it is also reasonable. 

3. MBA is good mainly for people who want to work in corporations

MBA gives a high-level view of the business. It develops a generalist approach, critical thinking, the ability to search for data, learning new things by yourself. The program covers all the crucial areas of business. Do those features are needed only for those who want to work in big corporations? 

4. It will set you up in your professional life

I don’t like such an approach. No matter what education you have included in your CV, you are as good as your last projects, decisions. MBA won’t secure your professional future. Good performance and mindset will.  

Also, I would like to share the Top Qualities of an MBA:

  1. Teamwork

We are a group of individuals, and yet we have to cooperate in smaller teams and deliver common projects. We’ve built a culture of trust and openness. There were situations when we disagreed and pitched our solutions till the moment when all the group was on one page. Sometimes it was a true negotiation, sometimes we had to fight for our ideas, nevertheless, there was always a common solution at the end, and all the group was committed to that solution.

2. Planning

We all work, have some additional engagements, the majority of us have children. Our calendars are pretty busy, and MBA requires a significant amount of time. We have to plan all our activities wisely, especially group work. We’re committed to covering all the engagements responsibly. Great planning skills are a bonus outcome of an MBA.

3. Big picture business context 

We come from different industries, own different experiences. We mix and share knowledge, collaborate. Before MBA I knew context other than IT only through cooperation with clients from different sectors. Now, it has changed. I see things outside the IT bubble and I’m getting familiar with the industries represented in my group.

4. Giving up doesn’t exist in my vocabulary

When things have to be done, we don’t give up. There is no reason to not finish what has to be finished. There are situations when some of us have something urgent to cover. In a situation like this, the rest of the group stays on the battlefield and finishes the job. This is the most optimal approach.

I hope those would help you to decide whether MBA is a good choice for you or not. It is a lot of hard work. I mean situations like pushing yourself on Friday evening to solve the homework case for tomorrow after finishing classes at 8 pm while wich you’ve received this assignment. 

Yet there is one truth you have to follow and everything will be fine. I’ll use a quote from Starship Troopers:

These are the rules. Everybody fights, nobody quits.

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